The Lucan
Biddulph Recreation Committee is a non-profit
organization operated by volunteers. The mission of LBRC
is to raise funds for charities and community projects
including Shine Foundation, Youth Work, Boys and Girls Clubs,
Youth with Physical Disabilities, and the Lucan Lions Park. To Contact Us:
111-271 Beech St.
Lucan, Ontario, Canada
N0M 2J0
(519) 227-4248
Official Rules of Play
Offered for legal and licensed charity raffle under Ontario Laws by The Lucan Biddulph Recreation Committee Lucan, Ontario, Canada. AGCO Charitable License #RAF1371653 for 75,000 tickets, #CGE1201297 Email Ph. (519) 227-4248 *Only residents or visitors in Ontario 18 years or older may enter* web design by